
Warm Weather Guidance

Keep safe and well during the warmer weather

This weekend, temperatures are set to reach 30 degrees across the country. The best advice we can provide is to use common sense. If in doubt, stop.


During periods of warm weather it is important to understand that high temperatures and humidity can lead to increased core temperatures and dehydration which, can in turn, increase the risk for heat illness, particularly within children (who sweat less than adults making it harder for them to cool down). 

 Some important tips to consider are:

  • Ensure that everyone has plenty of water to drink throughout sessions/matches, and allow for water breaks every 10/15 minutes.
  • Suncream should be regularly applied.
  • Ensure regular breaks are taken, and if possible, in the shade.
  • Ensure clothing is kept light or is a breathable fabric.
  • Adapt your sessions - where possible give more breaks, longer rests, or reduce physical activity. 

Children suffering from heat stress may seem out of character or show signs of discomfort and irritability (including those listed below for heat exhaustion). These signs will worsen with physical activity and if left untreated can lead to heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion vary but include one or more of the following:






excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin

To cool a child suffering from heat exhaustion:

move the child to a cool area and encourage them to drink cool water

cool the child as rapidly as possible, for example, by sponging or spraying the child with cool water and placing cold packs around the neck and armpits, or wrapping the child in a cool, wet sheet and assist cooling with a fan

If you are concerned about symptoms, or they are worsening, seek medical advice by contacting NHS 111.

More information can be found below:

Hot Weather Advice - Planning Events - GOV UK

How to cope in hot weather - NHS

Looking after children during hot weather - GOV UK