Birmingham County Walking Football League becomes England Accredited
Birmingham County Football Association are delighted to announce that our flagship Walking Football competition is now officially an England Football Accredited League.
The League has worked tirelessly this season to ensure their clubs become Accredited and they are delighted to boast that 53 out of the 58 teams now play within an England Football Accredited club, and more specifically 50 of those teams come directly from Birmingham FA. This allows the League to proudly state that 91% of their teams are England Football Accredited, one of the highest in the Country. Furthermore, the League now welcomes 589 registered participants, making it the largest affiliated Walking Football competition nationally for yet another season.
This season the League has undertook the exciting project of forming a new Women’s only division. With the help of Vicky Mitchell (Women’s & Girls FDO), the League now has 4 teams raring to start their competitive journey and already 52 female players have seen their registrations approved with the League. This is in keeping with the League’s ambition to create an inclusive environment filled with opportunities for everyone to play Walking Football.
Elsewhere in the League this season, the Over 50s see’s 8 teams competing in the Premiership and 10 in the Championship whereas the 57s welcomes 11 teams across 2 age category divisions. The Over 63s housed 14 teams in their 2 divisions and the 67s have a tremendous 7 sides competing. The youngest player in the League thus far comes from the Women’s division at 34 years old, whereas the oldest player currently sits at 81, meaning the League has an age range of 47 years, which is truly outstanding.
We would like to thank everyone involved within the League, and congratulations on an incredible achievement.
If you are interested in getting involved in the leading affiliated weekly Walking Football competition in the UK, then please get in touch by emailing and we can find the right fit for you.