Player registration

New, quick, slick - online player registration has been rebooted and club officials will find it easier than ever to register their players using the brand new Player Registration System.

For support regarding player registrations:


New and improved features

1. Quicker & Slicker

After a complete re-design, the new Player Registration System will offer quick & speedy administration. No more spinning wheels!

2. Mobile Optimised Design

You can finally leave your desktop PC at home when going on holiday as the new Player Registration System has brand new screens optimised to enable you to complete your club admin regardless of the device you use.

3. Improved Online Consent

The Clubs Portal now offers improved online consent options to give you the flexibility to send consent again, or cancel, and provide offline consent as well. Whilst offline consent will last for one year, online consent will now only need to be requested by the same club once every 5 years!

4. Self-Registration Form

After listening to volunteers, paperwork has still been a huge part of club life due to teams needing to collate players' information before inputting their details onto the Player Registration System. The new system now has a brand new "Self-Registration Form" which you can send to players that enables them to input their own details and feed it straight back into your system ready for you to register them!

5. Store medical information for your players

The portal now allows you to store all of your club's information in one place and this includes vital medical information for your players!


Player registration - club portal guide

The FA have put together a guide on how to use the Club Portal to register players which you can find below.

Click here to access the Club Portal player registration guide.